Of all the people who have left me
of all the people who stopped loving me
of all the people who I succeed in pushing away,
scaring away
running away from
Of all the people who decided I was too much
too loud, too wild, too obnoxious, too much
You are the biggest surprise.
I never thought you would leave me, not completely.
I should have known, you've let me go so any times, picked so many other lives over me
But somehow I thought you would always love me in the end for the you in me
the loud, the wild, the obnoxious, the too much came from you
and now you use it against me
like feeding me poison and then punishing me for my illness.
but in a way it's perfect, because if not even you can love me, then I can connect all of the dots, and see clearly that I was built for this life of loss by you
slowly, over the years, each little chip and fracture adds up to make me who I am,
Imperfect in every possible way,
yet a perfect reflection of you.
And now, because you don't want to speak to me anymore, you'll never have to look at that perfect reflection
and see who you are, what you have wrought, what your choices look like in the psyche of your child.
Actually, it all makes perfect sense.