Charles Bukowski once said, "What matters most is how well you walk through the fire". Or he wrote it, honestly, I haven't fact checked this, but I saw it on a beautiful piece of graffiti art, and after spending plenty of years ready Bukowski like he was the genius he thought he was, I am compelled to reflect.
And it might feel insensitive to use fire as a metaphor while California is burning, but it might also be apt. And, frankly, it's 2025. It feels like someplace on earth is always burning; if not California then the Amazon, Australia, Gaza, Canada, the Notre Dame. We are always burning, the world is on fire.
We are on fire.
And we all have to find a way to walk through the fire. The literal and metaphorical fire, the personal and the communal fire. And how we walk through this fire will dictate what the next fire looks like. How we weather the next fire informs the fire that follows, it's intensity, its heat and influence.
And it doesn't feel like the fires will ever stop coming. Maybe in the past, in previous years, we imagined a world where this fire was a once in a lifetime fire, a once in a decade fire. These days the word unprecedented has become a thin parody of itself, worn out from use. The economy, the climate, the political sphere, even how humans choose to treat each other seems to have reached a crescendo. We have found new depths of suffering, pain, and harm.
But as we walk through this fire, I choose optimism over pessimism. Because we walk through this fire together at least as often as we do alone, we find new ways to commune with each other and support each other. These unprecedented times are ripe with potential for growth, for kindness, for community.
And that's how I choose to walk through the fire. Every time I witness need, there is an opportunity to help, to alleviate suffering, to reduce the need. And in that opportunity a universe of potential exists, a tiny mass of potential, ripe like early spring fruit. That is my wish for the new year, my resolution for the next round of fire that is already upon us. May we find in each moment of suffering , the potential for love and growth.
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